
Thursday Morning
6:30 AM  Get Fit with Gay- Exercise your way to a new day no matter what your ability.
7:00 AM  Weekly Reveille
8:00 AM  Arizona Mirror
9:00 AM  Readers Digest
9:30 AM  Yuma Sun (Tempe)
                Prescott Daily Courier (Flagstaff)
10:00 AM The Wall Street Journal
11:00 AM Sports Illustrated
Thursday Afternoon
12 Noon Men's Magazines – Esquire, GQ, Men’s Health and other men’s magazines.
               Arizona Daily Star (Tucson)
1:00 PM National Geographic
1:30 PM Arizona History
2:00 PM Western Short Stories – Louis L’Amour and other Western authors.
3:00 PM Animal Companions
3:30 PM East Valley News – Ahwatukee and Tempe News
               Northland Views (Flagstaff) – Williams and Grand Canyon news
4:00 PM Arizona Republic Hour 1 – Front page, national news, local news, opinions
5:00 PM Arizona Republic Hour 2 – Obituaries, business, sports
               Men's Magazines (Tucson)
               AZ Daily Sun (Flagstaff)
Thursday Evening
6:00 PM   Washington Post
7:00 PM   Sports Today - Recap of weekend sports and a look ahead to the games coming up
8:00 PM   Children’s Stories
9:00 PM   Book World
10:00 PM  A Good Book
10:30 PM  Christian Science Monitor
11:30 PM  Western Short Stories
Thursday Overnight
12:30 AM  Chronicles of the Old West
1:30 AM  Arizona Highways
2:00 AM  Native Sun
2:30 AM  Cuentos
3:00 AM  Men's Magazines
4:00 AM  Amateur Radio News
4:30 AM  World News Week
5:30 AM  Diabetes News
6:00AM  AA Grapevine