Resources for People Living with Disabilities
*Sun Sounds does not promote or endorse any link or resource other than local agencies or organization we work with.
- Advocacy & Support Organizations
- Aging
- Addiction/Rehab/Recovery Services
- Arizona Resources
- Articles
- Autism Resources
- Catalogues & Assistive Tech for People with Special Needs
- Cerebral Palsy
- Corona Virus/Covid-19
- Educational Institutions & Information
- Employment
- Entertainment
- Financial
- Health Insurance Resources In Maricopa County
- Library Services
- Mesothelioma
- Radio Reading Services
- Rehabilitation/Orientation and Mobility Services
- Resource Websites
- Service Animals
- Technology
- Travel Resources
- Vision Care
American Foundation for the Blind
Arizona Bridge to Independent Living
Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition
Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association
The Carroll Center for the Blind
Consumer Advocacy and Information
Council of Citizens with low Vision International - dedicated to providing information and tips to help you live well with vision loss with Zoom chats, support groups and learning sessions on different topics such as technology and living with vision loss.
National Federation of the Blind
National Federation of the Blind of Arizona
50 Home Remodeling Ideas of Seniors
Assisted Living Options for Low Income Elderly
Help Guide
Discusses health, exercise, memory loss, depression and links to Alzheimer's and dementia.
Consumer Advocacy and Information
Creating Safe Bathrooms for Seniors
Dental Bridges- Information and types of
Retirement Living Information Center
Safe Independent Living for Seniors
Senior The largest consumer ratings and review site for senior living and home care nationwide. Tucson location
Senior Housing for Low-Income Residents
Guide for seniors on the road; includes topics on how to talk to someone you think should stop driving, how to be an independent driver for as long as possible, general driving safety tips, and getting around without a vehicle.
*Sun Sounds does not endorse or promote any of these centers or services or their longterm success rate.
A Better Life Recovery - Questionairre and information
AZ- Free Rehab Centers in Arizona
Addiction Resources for Students - Addiction Resources
Alcohol and Drug Rehab Near Me
Alcoholics Anonymous - find an AA meeting near you.
Alcohol Effects on Physical Health - Drug and alcohol recovery
Narcotics Anonymous - Find an NA meeting near you
National Council for Senior Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Arizona's Premier Primary Care Alliance
A Regional Library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.
Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Provides assistive technology, counseling/social work, orientation and mobility training/rehabilitation teaching and social recreation services for adults who are legally blind or visually impaired as well as those who have a degenerative eye condition.
Arizona Covid Vaccine Information
Arizona Department of Economic Security: Rehabilitation Services Administration
A state agency that provides that provides vocational rehabilitation services for people living with disabilities as well as programs and services for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition
Arizona Governor's Council on Blindness and Visual Impairment
Arizona Healthcare Marketplace
You Marketplace for AZ Health Insurance
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind
Educating children and youth.
Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP)
Promotes awareness of, access to and acquisition of assistive technology for persons living with disabilities. Services include equipment demonstrations, short-term equipment loans, training and even help with financing through their Arizona Loans for Assistive Technology program.
Cerebral Palsy Dentist - Phoenix - Senior Living in Flagstaff
Drug and Rehab Facilities in Tucson
Comprehensive resources for blind and visually impaired people
Eyes on Learning - Advancing vision health for kids
Job Assistance Guide for People with Disabilities
Learn about the Different Health Insurance Plans
A non-profit agency serving visually impaired adults in Southern Arizona since 1964. By promoting independence, SAAVI enhances the quality of life for those with vision loss through programs offering services, skills training and social and recreational opportunities.
Living With a Disability: 12 Essential Tips to Maintain an Awesome Attitude
Help Colleagues with Disabilities Suceed in Meetings
Mental Health Guide for Caregivers
Sleep Guide for People with Disabilities
Education Guide for Students with Autism
How to Teach Your Kids About Body Awareness published by Pepperdine University
Traveling with Children with Autism
American Printing House for the Blind
Commercial Braille production house and source for adapted educational and daily living products - since 1858.
American Thermoform Corporation
Printers, embossers, translation software and other Braille supplies.
Blind Mice Mart
Retail provider of accessible products.
Disability Friendly - Wheelchair mobility catalog
Independent Living Aids
Low vision aids for independent living, including talking watches.
LS and S
Specializes in products for the blind, visually impaired, deaf, and hard of hearing.
Leading provider of adaptive products, products for independent living and products designed to enhance your lifestyle
Specializing in electronic equipment for the blind and partially sighted.
Speak To Me Catalog
Specializes in products that talk, sing, or record your own message.
Spiritual and Inspriational Material - Xavier Society for the Blind
Cerebral Palsy Dentist - Phoenix
Accredited Schools Online
Resources for students with visual impairments
Addiction Counseling Training in AZ
Affordable Colleges Online
Guide to higher education for students with visual impairments
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind
The Hadley School for the Blind
Offers more than 100 distance education courses free of charge to those who are blind, their families or blindness professionals.
Law School Resources for People with a Learning Disorder
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
A center for educational services for all blind and visually impaired students in Texas.
Trade School for People with Disabilities Info
UniversityHQ - Find your dream career
Article on Accredited Online Colleges and Disability Education
Complete Resource Guide for College Students with Disabilities
College Guide for the Visually Impaired Student
Essential College Resources for Students with an IEP or 504 Plan
Ability360 - Ticket to Work, Benefits and other employment resources for Arizona residents - Your questions on disablility accomodations answered
Careers for People with DIsabilities
Delux Small Business Resource Center - Veterans' Recource
Guide for Students with Disabilities
Interview Tips for Neurodivergent People
Job Assistance Guide for People with Disabilities - Resume and Cover Letters
Starting a Business with a Disability - Ensuring children and adults with disabilities receive the education, training and employment opportunities they need to succeed. Blog on jobs for people with disabilities
The Media Access Group at WGBH - Descriptive Video Service
Delivering accessible media through captioning and audio descriptions.
Performing Arts Venues with Audio Descritpion by State
Paying for Senior Care Arizona Guide
Financial Literacy for Older Adults
Fiancial Protections for Those with Alzheimers
Untangling Inheritace IRAs and Disbursments
Person with Disability Discount Guide Info
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System-602-417-4000
Arizona's Medicaid Agency
Medicare - 1-800-MEDICARE(633-42273)
Medicare Information
Area Agency on Aging, Benefits Assistance Program - 602-264-4357
Help and Information for Seniors
Health Insurance Marketplace - 1-800-318-2596
Learn about the Different Health Insurance Plans
Arizona Healthcare Marketplace
You Marketplace for AZ Health Insurance
Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers - 602-253-0090
Arizona's Premier Primary Care Alliance
Greater Phoenix Urban League - 602-254-5611
Tool to Achieve Economic and Social Equality
Arizona Braille and Talking Book Library
A Regional Library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.
Book Share
Online service that gives print disabled people in the United States legal access to more than 32,600 books and 150 periodicals that are converted to Braille, large print or text to speech audio files.
National Braille Press
a nonprofit braille printer and publisher offering braille books, magazines, textbooks, tests, and customized embossing services.
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
A national network of cooperating libraries providing a free braille and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers in the United States by postage-free mail.
Message of Hope
Literature from Unity Church on audio cassette or in braille.
Seedlings Braille Books for Children
More than 800 low-cost children's books in braille.
Spiritual and Inspriational Material - Xavier Society for the Blind
Government Help with Medical Expenses
ACB Radio
A web-based radio station for people who are blind.
International Association of Audio Information Services (IAAIS)
An association of independently operated, volunteer-driven services that use audio technology to transform print into speech. Includes a listing of Radio Reading Services around the globe. Sun Sounds of Arizona is a proud member.
Toll-free call-in center providing audio access to more than 200 newspapers in English and Spanish.
Arizona Bridge to Independent Living
Indepdent living and advocacy by, and for, people with disabilities. Offers and promotes programs designed to empower people with disabilities to take personal responsibility so they may achieve or continue independent lifestyles within the community.
Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Provides assistive technology, counseling/social work, orientation and mobility training/rehabilitation teaching and social recreation services for adults who are legally blind or visually impaired as well as those who have a degenerative eye condition.
Arizona Department of Economic Security: Rehabilitation Services Administration
A state agency that provides that provides vocational rehabilitation services for people living with disabilities as well as programs and services for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired
A Philadelphia based agency that provides rehabilitation services, a computer technology center, radio reading information services, Braille services and an online newsletter.
Bankrate - How to afford a service dog
Blinded Veterans Association
Promotes the welfare of blinded veterans through service programs, groups and benefits.
Eye Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.
Dedicated to giving guide dogs to the blind and the visually impaired at absolutely no cost. Their German Shepherd dogs have been assisting individuals all over the world.
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Campus training services and extensive follow-up support for graduates. Services are provided to students from the United States and Canada at no cost to them.
Guiding Eyes for the Blind
A non-profit, charitable organization providing trained guide dogs for the visually impaired throughout the world.
Seeing Eye, Inc.
An organization located in New Jersey that provides guide dogs to blind people for orientation and mobility.
Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired
A non-profit agency serving visually impaired adults in Southern Arizona since 1964. By promoting independence, SAAVI enhances the quality of life for those with vision loss through programs offering services, skills training and social and recreational opportunities.
The Colorado Center for the Blind
A training center of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB).
Ability360 - Arizona's premier disability resource center for advocacy, support, jobs, and sports fitness
60+ Discount, Resources and Programs for People with Disabilities
Applying for Disability Benefits with Vision Loss
Arizona Governor's Council on Blindness and Visual Impairment
Drug Information features information on over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Comprehensive resources for blind and visually impaired people
Hearing Aid Information and Guide - How to choose the right one-Mayo Clinc - Resources to help consumers maker safer and smarter choices
Home Modification for People with Blindness or Low Vision
Mortgage Loan
A guide for persons living with a disability and in need of useful information and assistance in buying a home.
Moving with a Visual Impairment
Opiod Prescription- What to Ask
Stress Management: Understanding and Coping with Stress
Refinance Guide and Mortgage Guide for People with Disabilities
Rental Rights for People with Disabilities
Tools for Tough Times
Financial information and resources
Self-help resources for vision loss.
Vision Center - Your one stop shop for all things vision
Service Dogs, The Definitive Guide
Accessible Website Design Guide
Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP)
Promotes awareness of, access to and acquisition of assistive technology for persons living with disabilities. Services include equipment demonstrations, short-term equipment loans, training and even help with financing through their Arizona Loans for Assistive Technology program.
Assistive Technology for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Dancing Dots
Serving blind musicians and their educators through technology and training.
Digital Resources for Students with Autism
Duxbury Systems
Braille translation software. Supports grade 1 and grade 2 translation in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Malaysian, Swedish, and other languages.
Edubirdie - Technology for people with disabilities
Freedom Scientific
Assistive and adaptive technology products including Braille note takers, screen readers, screen enlargement programs and other adaptive products for computers.
Digital tools, braille note takers and other adaptive computer equipment.
Kurzweil Educational Systems Inc.
Developer of reading technology for people with learning difficulties, people who are blind or visually impaired.
PCS Games
Computer games for people who are blind.
Pneuma Soluntions- accessible on screen and webinar content
Serotek (NOW Pneuma Solutions)
Producer of screen reading and specialized web browsing software, and host for an on-line community of blind people.
EyeCare America's Senior Eye Care Program
Coordinated by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, this program provides free medical eye care to all US citizens, age 65 and older, who have not seen an ophthalmologist in three or more years and who don't have coverage through an HMO or the Veterans Administration. The program also offers a diabetes and glaucoma eye care program.
Knights Templar Eye Foundation
This charitable foundation provides financial assistance for eye care to people under age 65 who don't qualify for Medicaid or who have private insurance, but can't afford to pay for care. Knights Templar also co-sponsors the EyeCare America's program.
Phone number: 847-490-3838
Local Lions Club
Referral resource for eye-care and eye-glasses programs that are available in your area. Programs and eligibility requirements vary by community.
Phone number: 800-747-4448
Midwestern University Eye Institute, Glendale, AZ
Wide range of services for infant patients to seniors with low vision. Eye glasses, contact lenses, sports vision, prosthetic eyes and low vision rehab.
Phone number: 623-537-6000
Mission Cataract USA
Coordinated by the Volunteer Eye Surgeons' Association, this program provides free cataract surgery to people of all ages who don't have Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance and have no means to pay. Phone number: 800-3430-7265
New Eyes for the Needy
This international program distributes new prescription eyeglasses to people with limited incomes.
Phone number: 973-376-4903
View Finder
Nationally recognized optometric practice that specializes in low vision rehabilitation of patients with macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, optic nerve disease, stroke, brain injury and other forms of visual impairment. 866-924-8755
Vision USA
Coordinated by the American Optometric Association (AOA), Vision USA provides free eye care service to uninsured and low income workers and their families who have no means of obtaining care(click on "AOA Charities and Public Programs"). Phone number: 800-766-4466