
Monday Morning
6:30 AM  Job Opportunities
7:00 AM  African-American Hour
8:00 AM  Arizona History
8:30 AM  Arizona Highway
9:00 AM  World News
9:30 AM  Yuma Sun-Tempe
                 Green Valley News-Tucson
                 Prescott Daily Courier-Flagstaff
10:00 AM  The Wall Street Journal
11:00 AM   Business World – Business Week, Forbes and Fortune

Monday Afternoon
12 Noon   The Economist Magazine
                 Green Valley News (Tucson)
1:00 PM   The New Yorker Magazine
2:00 PM   Vanity Fair
3:00 PM   Native Sun- Native American news and information
3:30 PM   East Valley News - Mesa, Apache Junction, Fountain Hills news
                 Northland Views (Flagstaff) - Sedona news
4:00 PM   Arizona Republic Hour 1 – Front page, national news, local news, opinions
5:00 PM   Arizona Republic Hour 2 – Obituaries, business, sports
                 The Economist (Tucson)

Monday Evening
6:00 PM   Washington Post
7:00 PM   The Atlantic
8:00 PM   Points of View
9:00 PM   Book World – Long form books read in installments.
10:00 PM  A Good Book – Shorter books read in installments.
10:30 PM   Christian Science Monitor Magazine
11:30 PM   The Onion
Monday Overnight
12:00 AM  Assistive Technology Updates
12:30 AM  Vanity Fair
1:30 AM   American History
2:00 AM   Military Times
2:30 AM   Just One Thought
3:00 AM   AA Grapevine
3:30 AM   Business World
4:30 AM   The Economist Magazine
5:30 AM   The New Yorker Magazine