Thank You Volunteers!

Congratulations to the Gold and Silver Mic winners across the state. Sun Sounds recognizes Gold Mic winner Peter Crowell from Flagstaff,Gina Byars and Peter CrowellSantiago Lebron holding gold microphoneMike Miller from Tempe Bill Pasco & Mike Millerand Marsha Schlanger from Tucson. The winners of the Silver Mic Judy Bartelstone and Bill Pascoare Santiago Lebron from Tucson, Judy Bartelstone from Tempeand Jini Trudeau Jini Trudeau & Gina Byarsfrom Flagstaff. 


 Great job! Congratulations also to 35 year Tempe volunteer Rose Dryer who reads the Grocery Ads and the Wall Street Journal. Thank you for your service Rose! Rose Dryer, Bill Pasco, Jim Paluzzi